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State management is one of those recurring themes in frontend development. State becomes an issue when you try to build something even a little comple…
In this post, I will introduce you to the concept of the pyramid of doom. Although the pattern is not typical anymore, it is good to know how you migh…
If you have used this site earlier, you might have noticed it looks different now. That is because I did a massive rewrite of it. I had the following …
Developing a full-blown web application, including a backend, can be quite an undertaking for a single developer or a small team. Several solutions ha…
It's not uncommon for a normal JavaScript application to have thousands of dependencies. Once you start having multiple projects, the problem of havin…
One of the tricky parts of JavaScript is dealing with asynchronous behavior. The language itself has introduced improved syntax (async/await) and util…
It's cool to write small web applications for the sake of learning. You can set the boundaries yourself and experiment with new technologies. Abhishe…
If you look into what happened during the past few years in the world of JavaScript, you can see that component thinking made it to the mainstream. Ev…
Developing multi-platform applications is difficult. Thankfully the advent of JavaScript has made it a possibility for an increasing amount of develop…
Debugging JavaScript is one of those topics where people tend to be divided into two camps - those that console.log and those that use a debugger. In…
Let's say you are building a CMS or a blog with an admin interface. It won't take long until you want to upload files to your service. There are stand…
Although linting a project is a good technique to adopt, it comes with a cost as you have to wait for the linter to complete its work. Andrey Okonetc…
In addition to writing and consulting, I do occasional training. Most often it's around my webpack book and it supports different levels of sessions w…
I participated Concat 2018 at Salzburg this year. I held a four-hour webpack workshop with Tobias Koppers, the author of the tool, and visited the eve…
I was invited to AgentConf 2018 on its second iteration about a month ago as one of the organizers saw a presentation of mine about npm packaging. I g…
One of the benefits of living in Vienna is that it's easy to reach central Europe and its conferences. Given Linz is close to Vienna (about 90 minutes…
Perhaps the greatest thing about React is how flexible it is. It contains some opinions but not too many. You still have plenty of freedom. Sometimes …
When you are using a library seriously, you will spend a lot of time with its documentation. It's one of those things that sets good libraries apart f…
There's a lot of talk about universal web applications but developing them tends to be harder than it might sound. You will have to worry about the di…
Releasing new versions of npm modules is an npm publish away. But how do you make sure you don't accidentally break a dependent project? Even if you a…
Given JavaScript application source cannot be consumed easily through the browser "as is" just yet, the process of bundling is needed. The point is to…
There's one pain most JavaScript developers share - dependency management. More specifically, how to keep them up to date. Sometimes even one month is…
There are times when a vanilla ` or ` doesn't cut it. What if you want to do something more complex? Popper.js by Federico Zivolo achieves exactly th…
Even though ES6 (ES2015) brought modules to the language, it missed one important thing - a loading method. Proper support is currently being implemen…
I have chosen one approach when it comes to teaching JavaScript and related topics. Books are just a way amongst many others. Today I'm interviewing a…
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