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unexpected-react - Test Full Virtual DOM - Interview with Dave Brotherstone


Testing React components is a constant topic. You can test through solutions like Jest or Enzyme. Or you could try something else like unexpected-react.

The solution by Dave Brotherstone builds on top of another testing library, Unexpected.

Read the interview with Sune Simonsen to understand the ideas behind Unexpected better.

Can you tell a bit about yourself?

Dave Brotherstone

I’m originally from the UK, but I’ve lived in Germany for the last seven years or so with my girlfriend, Tina. We were originally planning to come for two or three years, but I love it so much we’ve no plans to return now. I work for SoundCloud in Berlin where I get to work on a bunch of interesting problems with some amazingly talented people.

How would you describe unexpected-react to someone who has never heard of it?

If you want to write tests for your React components, you can use unexpected-react to validate that the components render what they should, and respond to events in the right way. It’s based on JSX, so you assert that a component renders to a certain JSX template, and any differences are highlighted in a JSX diff. You can render using the shallow renderer, render to the DOM or render using the test renderer - the assertions stay the same.

A simple example:

  <MyButtonComponent />,
  'to render as',
  <button>Click me</button>

This example uses the React shallow renderer to render the MyButtonComponent and compares the output to <button>Click me</button>. If the output is different, you’ll see something like the following as output:

<button className="btn">
  -Click me!
  +Click me

By default, it ignores extra props and extra child elements, so your test still passes as your component functionality expands (unless of course, you break something!).

A more complex example:

  <MyApp />,
  'when deeply rendered',
  'with event', 'change',
    target: { value: 'foo' }
  <input />,
  'with event', 'click', 'on',
  'to contain',
  <LoadingSpinner />

This test renders the component to the DOM, triggers a change event with an argument on the input component, then clicks the <button> with the text Submit, and finally checks that the resulting render contains a component called LoadingSpinner.

That last assertion highlights one of my favorite features of unexpected-react, which is that when you use the DOM renderer, you can assert on the full virtual DOM (the same tree you see in the React Developer Tools), with all the HTML elements and all your custom components.

How does unexpected-react work?

It’s a plugin for the unexpected assertion library, which is known for its great output and diffs. Most of the real work happens in a library called unexpected-htmllike which is a library that can perform diffing on any HTML-like structure.

You give it the actual value and the expected value, and two adapters, which are simple objects that can read the name, attributes, and children of the actual and expected values respectively, and it returns a whether there were any differences and the diff of the tree in object form. This diff can then be passed back to another method in unexpected-htmllike which can output the diff in syntax highlighted JSX form.

The diffing algorithm is, in fact, a bit more complicated than the React algorithm, as it optimizes for best output. For example, it uses heuristics to work out if an element is just a wrapper element and can be ignored. This property can be beneficial if you’re testing components wrapped in (possibly multiple) layers of higher order components - unexpected-react will just see the higher order components as wrappers and gray them out in the output.

unexpected-react itself is mostly just a set of assertions based on calling the diffing algorithm in various ways and presenting the output to the user. Doing this has the significant advantage that it can be adapted to new targets with minimal effort - I’ve recently released unexpected-preact for example, which has the same set of assertions for Preact

How does unexpected-react differ from the other solutions?

The main advantages are the JSX based syntax, so there’s no big API to learn, and excellent output if something doesn’t match. For instance, the to contain assertion, if it doesn’t find a match, it will show you the closest match so you can probably go straight to solving the issue (maybe just a single class was missing).

I think this is a vast improvement over Enzyme, where you’d typically end up with an expected false to equal true output if the output wasn’t found.

When running Jest, it also supports snapshot tests, but unlike Jest’s native snapshot tests, the diffs are based on real objects not just string representations of the JSX.

Doing this means that if for example, a class is missing, the missing class will be named, rather than just highlighting the diffed line. If the classes appear in a different order, the test will still pass under unexpected-react as it understands classes, but fail under Jest. You can also snapshot out of the box using any of the renderers without any special add-ons.

Why did you develop unexpected-react?

Back in 2015 the shallow renderer came out, and I was using it to write some tests, but asserting it was hard. You’d have to navigate your way through the children, and end up with assertions like expect(component.props.children[0].props.children[1].props.className).toEqual('foo'). I’d seen a lightning talk from Peter Müller as JSUnconf in Hamburg on unexpected and had started to play around with it.

I was impressed with the output and began to use Peter’s plugin unexpected-dom to assert properties on the DOM. One weekend I thought I might be able to adapt unexpected-dom to diff JSX trees, and so unexpected-react-shallow was born.

unexpected-react came a bit later when I realized how I could access the full virtual DOM by hooking into the devtools hooks, and how to separate the logic of diffing a XML-like tree from the actual objects.

What next?

I expect we’ll add support for inferno soon. I’m also working on a bigger task to make unexpected-htmllike a bit smarter, so when it outputs diffs, it can skip sections of your render where there are no changes and only show the relevant differences.

There are also some incredible things being worked on in the unexpected project - I don’t want to say too much because they’re very experimental at this stage, but I’m excited about the possibilities, especially when combined with unexpected-react.

I think there’s a bright future as it’s the kind of project that once you’ve used it and got the output in your workflow, you can’t ever go back to having to debug a test or open a browser to see where the problem lies.

There’s a great trend, which I think Angular started, that the view layer is testable and writing unit-tests for views is both achievable and useful. I believe that we’ll see view level tests becoming more commonplace as they have for the other parts of applications.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there were some advances in browsers to support some fundamentals of the React model of just rendering from a given state, and let the platform perform the necessary mutations. For me, this is the game changer with React - it speeds development time, reduces bugs, and makes testing easy.

What advice would you give to programmers getting into web development?

I’d say to learn JavaScript as a language - for me, it was a couple of good books and a whole lot of experimentation, and then go to meetups if they’re available in your area. Don’t make the mistake of thinking “I need to know more before I can go”. I started going to an Angular meetup before I knew pretty much anything about modern web development, and I always managed to learn something or meet people that could answer my questions.

Who should I interview next?

Lauren Macarthy from p5.js - I’ve not done much with the project but she’s managed to create a great inclusive community, and I’d love to know more.

Any last remarks?

If you’re using Enzyme for testing your React components, you should take a quick look at my medium article comparing the tests and output in from the two libraries.


Thanks for the interview Dave! unexpected-react looks like a step to the right direction and the API feels intuitive to me.

To learn more, study unexpected-react site and unexpected-react on GitHub.
