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Fall Tour - Vienna Clinics, ReactNext, WebExpo, ReactiveConf


Even though I have traveled a lot this year already, it looks like more travel is in store. The travels so far have been valuable regarding experience. I’ve seen more places in this year than during my previous year alone. And I like to think it has made me better rounded as a person. Getting outside of your comfort zone can be a good thing even if it is a little painful.

As a result of my travels, I’ve gained a better insight on what to do next. And perhaps surprisingly I’ve won more good excuses to venture. Actions tend to generate reactions. Opportunities follow the brave ones and so on.

I have some clear steps ahead of me. There are still blanks, but it’s not a bad thing!

Vienna, Austria - 23.7-26.8

I’ll begin this trip from Vienna. To slow down a bit, I’ll stay there an entire month. I like the city a lot, and there seem to be business opportunities available if you know where to find them. One advantage is that this also allows me to reach most of the central Europe quickly if some business comes up.

I’ll be running clinics during my time in Vienna. They are three-hour sessions focused on webpack. I have a particular set of slides to guide the discussion. Also, discussion over React is possible. The point of a clinic is to provide as much value as I can in two hours, and it can be adapted based on your needs.

A clinic session of two hours costs 500 euros (VAT 0) for a company. I offer the same for individual developers for the price of 150 euros (capped to four developers per session). 20% of the income goes to Tobias Koppers as I want to support his efforts on webpack. You’ll also have a chance to ask questions from him at the end of the session. I’ll get the answers to you afterwards.

I can also organize full day workshops in Vienna and nearby cities, even further. If you are interested, get in touch, and we’ll make the schedule work.

My schedule for Vienna is relaxed, and it gives me time to do certain technical work that has been pending a while. It’s also an excellent opportunity to write and prepare two presentations!

Tel Aviv, Israel - ReactNext - 6.9-12.9

I was invited to participate in ReactNext this year. I’ll be talking about how to use webpack, particularly with React. I think it won’t be a slide show and I hope to pull off something practical! So live coding might be in store with a high probability.

Prague, Czech Republic - WebExpo - 19-25.9

I will give a presentation discussing how I built my business at WebExpo. It’s going to be a mix of business, technical, and personal bits. A good time for a retrospective.

Bratislava, Slovakia - ReactiveConf - 25-27.10

You’ll see me in ReactiveConf this year as well. I don’t have a presentation scheduled, but we’ll do a webpack workshop on the third day.


It looks like this will be travel filled year for me. It has been one of those personal growth years for me, and it has shaped the direction of the next years for sure. It is possible this isn’t the last year of travel for me.

Note that I have plenty of room in my schedule. So if you want to see me in your meetup or conference and are willing to cover my costs while providing me a chance to turn a profit, it might be difficult for me to say no! I’m especially open to opportunities available in Europe, and I may be able to bring some other developers with me.
