Code Splitting
Web applications tend to grow big as features are developed. The longer it takes for your site to load, the more frustrating it’s to the user. This problem is amplified in a mobile environment where the connections can be slow.
Even though splitting bundles can help a notch, they are not the only solution, and you can still end up having to download a lot of data. Fortunately, it’s possible to do better thanks to code splitting as it allows loading code lazily when you need it.
You can load more code as the user enters a new view of the application. You can also tie loading to a specific action like scrolling or clicking a button. You could also try to predict what the user is trying to do next and load code based on your guess. This way, the functionality would be already there as the user tries to access it.
Code splitting formats
Code splitting can be done in two primary ways in webpack: through a dynamic import
or require.ensure
syntax. The latter is so called legacy syntax.
The goal is to end up with a split point that gets loaded on demand. There can be splits inside splits, and you can structure an entire application based on splits. The advantage of doing this is that then the initial payload of your site can be smaller than it would be otherwise.
Dynamic import
Dynamic imports are defined as Promise
import(/* webpackChunkName: "optional-name" */ "./module").then(
module => {...}
error => {...}
Webpack provides extra control through a comment. In the example, we’ve renamed the resulting chunk. Giving multiple chunks the same name will group them to the same bundle. In addition webpackMode
, webpackPrefetch
, and webpackPreload
are good to know options as they let you define when the import will get triggered and how the browser should treat it.
Mode lets you define what happens on import()
. Out of the available options, weak
is suitable for server-side rendering (SSR) as using it means the Promise
will reject unless the module was loaded another way. In the SSR case, that would be ideal.
Prefetching tells the browser that the resource will be needed in the future while preloading means the browser will need the resource within the current page. Based on these tips the browser can then choose to load the data optimistically. Webpack documentation explains the available options in greater detail↗.
accepts [index]
and [request]
placeholders in case you want to let webpack define the name or a part of it.
The interface allows composition, and you could load multiple resources in parallel:
Promise.all([import("lunr"), import("../search_index.json")]).then(
([lunr, search]) => {
return {
index: lunr.Index.load(search.index),
lines: search.lines,
The code above creates separate bundles to a request. If you wanted only one, you would have to use naming or define an intermediate module to import
Defining a split point using a dynamic import
The idea can be demonstrated by setting up a module that contains a string that replaces the text of the demo button:
export default "Hello from lazy";
You also need to point the application to this file, so the application knows to load it by binding the loading process to click. Whenever the user happens to click the button, you trigger the loading process and replace the content:
export default (text = "Hello world") => {
const element = document.createElement("div");
element.className = "rounded bg-red-100 border max-w-md m-4 p-4";
element.innerHTML = text;
element.onclick = () =>
.then((lazy) => {
element.textContent = lazy.default;
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
return element;
If you open up the application (npm start
) and click the button, you should see the new text in it.
After executing npm run build
, you should see something:
⬡ webpack: Build Finished
⬡ webpack: assets by status 7.95 KiB [compared for emit]
asset main.css 7.72 KiB [compared for emit] (name: main) 1 related asset
asset index.html 237 bytes [compared for emit]
assets by status 3.06 KiB [emitted]
asset main.js 2.88 KiB [emitted] [minimized] (name: main) 1 related asset
asset 34.js 187 bytes [emitted] [minimized] 1 related asset
webpack 5.5.0 compiled successfully in 3846 ms
That 34.js
is your split point. Examining the file reveals webpack has processed the code.
. For example, setting it to "chunk.[id].js"
would prefix each split chunk with the word “chunk”.
to esnext
or es2020
for code splitting to work correctly.
Controlling code splitting on runtime
Especially in a complex environment with third-party dependencies and an advanced deployment setup, you may want to control where split code is loaded from. webpack-require-from↗ has been designed to address the problem, and it’s able to rewrite the import paths.
Code splitting in React
See React’s official documentation↗ to learn about the code splitting APIs included out of the box. The most important ones are React.lazy
and React.Suspense
. Currently these don’t support server-side rendering. Packages like @loadable/component↗ wrap the idea behind an interface.
Disabling code splitting
Although code splitting is a good behavior to have by default, it’s not correct always, especially on server-side usage. For this reason, it can be disabled as below:
const config = {
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.LimitChunkCountPlugin({ maxChunks: 1 }),
Machine learning driven prefetching
Often users use an application in a specific way. The fact means that it makes sense to load specific portions of the application even before the user has accessed them. guess-webpack↗ builds on this idea of prediction based preloading. Minko Gechev explains the approach in detail in his article↗.
Code splitting is a feature that allows you to push your application a notch further. You can load code when you need it to gain faster initial load times and improved user experience especially in a mobile context where bandwidth is limited.
To recap:
- Code splitting comes with extra effort as you have to decide what to split and where. Often, you find good split points within a router. Or you notice that specific functionality is required only when a particular feature is used. Charting is an excellent example of this.
- Use naming to pull separate split points into the same bundles.
- The techniques can be used within modern frameworks and libraries like React. You can wrap related logic to a specific component that handles the loading process in a user-friendly manner.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to split a vendor bundle without through webpack configuration.