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vx - The Power of D3 with the Benefits of React - Interview with Harrison Shoff


Data visualization is a big topic itself. When it comes to the web, D3 is perhaps the most well-known solution. Even though you can wrap it with React quite quickly, there is value in having specific solutions.

This is where vx by Harrison Shoff comes in.

Can you tell a bit about yourself?

Harrison Shoff

I’ve been doing frontend at Airbnb since 2010. Along the way, I’ve helped make wish lists, reviews, referrals, experience marketplace, the professional photography tool, customer support chat, and the old

Regarding open source, I created the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide and worked on Airpal with Andy Kramolisch, and Chronos with Florian Leibert and Andy again.

Currently, I’m on the Observability team at Airbnb, working on monitoring tools, data visualization, and a new open source project called vx.

Outside of work, I enjoy playing golf poorly, reading programming books I don’t understand, and going on adventures with my beautiful wife.

How would you describe vx to someone who has never heard of it?

vx is a library of low-level react components that can be used to build up reusable charts, those one-off requests, or that particular idea you had for a visualization that you’ve never seen done before.

vx combines the power of D3 with the joy of React. It’s mainly unopinionated, and the idea is that you build on top of it, keep your bundle sizes down and use only the packages you need. You don’t need to know D3 to use vx, but it helps.

vx stands for visualization components.

Below is a flow diagram that illustrates how vx could fit in at your organization:

vx flow diagram
vx flow diagram

How does vx work?

Under the hood, vx is using D3 for the calculations and math. D3 is the visualization kernel used to generate the data that flows to your components. If you’re creating your chart library on top of vx, it’s easy to create a component API that hides D3 entirely. Because of this you and your team could set up and share charts as quickly as using reusable React components.

How does vx differ from other solutions?

To create a complete charting library, you would need to anticipate the needs of every chart out there. Instead of doing that, you tell vx what you want to make, and away you go. You only need to pull in the packages you need.

No matter how you handle styling your components, how you store your state, or how you update your data, vx should feel familiar in any React codebase.

Why did you develop vx?

Charting libraries are great until they’re not. And mixing two mental models for updating the DOM is never a right time. Copy and pasting D3 code into componentDidMount() is just that. The vx collection of components lets you easily build your reusable visualization charts or library without having to learn d3.

I wanted to make my D3 code feel at home in my react codebase, keep filesize down, and not predict all of the different charts I would have to make in the future.

What next?

We’re on the road to a production ready v1 release, and it includes the following features:

  • Accessibility.
  • Increased browser support.
  • More shapes.
  • Animations and transitions.
  • Easy interactions.

Follow our progress here:

For vx: vx should work on the web, native, vr, everywhere. The current implementation depends on react-dom which means it’s only available on the web. I’d like to explore using react-primitives-art for cross-platform support. Check out this talk by my colleague Leland Richardson about React as a Platform.

In general: the world continues to shift towards browsing the internet on their phone. Most of the world isn’t on wi-fi and doesn’t have latest phone hardware. We should start to see more companies treat performance as a feature and not an afterthought.

It’s never been more exciting to be working on the frontend.

What advice would you give to programmers getting into web development?

You don’t need a computer science degree.

You’ll throw away 99% of the code you write over the first few years.

There are no shortcuts. You just have to show up and put in the work.

It’s a lot of fun.

Who should I interview next?

My colleague Jon Gold! He’s working on the future of design tools at Airbnb. Check out his latest work React It melts minds. And it’s well made.

Any last remarks?

vx stands on the shoulders of giants. Special thanks to:

  • Mike Bostock + the d3 community and the react team + community for all of their lovely work!
  • All of my colleagues at Airbnb for reviewing my code over the years!

Shoutout to Issaquah, WA and the University of Washington.

Thanks for having me on the blog!


Thanks for the interview Harrison! I have a soft spot for computer graphics due to my background and combining React with D3 through vx seems like a fantastic idea to me.

To learn more about the project, see vx GitHub page and study the online demos.
