SurviveJS - Summer Events
Summer is a great time to travel and see new places. So far I’ve scheduled three events for the Summer although more may appear depending on the public interest.
GrazJS - 06-07.06.2018
The first event where I’ll take part this Summer is GrazJS meetup on 6th of June↗. We’ll do workshops on 7th↗ so if you are interested in either ReasonML, design systems, or webpack, this is your chance to get a deep dive into the topic.
JIMDO Dev Talks - 28.06.2018
I will be going to Hamburg on 28th of June to participate in JIMDO Dev Talks↗ event as a guest speaker.
JSCamp Barcelona - 18-20.07.2018
I will go to JSCamp Barcelona↗ in July. You can get -10% off if you use my promocode↗.
The Summer is shaping up nicely and more events might come up. It’s likely we’ll organize local events especially in the context of React Vienna↗.