SurviveJS - Fall Events
Summer is over and I’ve made travel plans for the Fall. More details below.
WebExpo - 21-23.09.2018
I went to WebExpo last year for the first time. It’s one of my favorite crossover conferences. It spans from development to business to design. They have the same spacious venue this year and it’s always nice to visit Prague. Learn more about WebExpo↗ at their site.
WebCamp Zagreb - 04-06.10.2018
I will visit Zagreb for the first time in October when I go to WebCamp Zagreb↗. The conference is aimed for both designers and developers so it should be highly interesting for me.
I’ll discuss static sites and their potential in my talk. In addition I’ll give a workshop about webpack.
GraphQL Finland - 18-19.10.2018
To continue on the success of React Finland, we’ll organize the first GraphQL event of the Nordics in the form of GraphQL Finland↗. The lineup looks promising and it’s a great way for you to get into the topic and see how GraphQL is transforming the backend.
ReactiveConf - 29-31.10.2018
I’ll visit ReactiveConf↗ in Prague to see what they are up to this year. The lineup has many familiar names and a few new ones. It’s a scouting trip for me as well as I want to make sure React Finland 2019 will be at least as good as the first one.
JSConf Armenia - 03.11.2018
I’ll visit JSConf Armenia↗ at the beginning of November. It’s my first trip to the country. In my talk, I’ll examine the past, present, and the future of React.
I am a organizer at React Vienna↗ so that’s one way to spot me. Let me know if you are coming and I’ll give you a tour.