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Since officially starting my personal limited company in 2016, I have occasionally worked as a consultant to earn additional income and to develop my competence as consulting cases allow me to stay grounded in reality. In addition, I’ve been pursuing a doctorate since 2022 at Aalto University.


I offer a variety of services and I have listed examples below.

Custom development

Occasionally I have been hired to perform custom development. Example cases include developing a complex table component or building up a new system in collaboration with a design system developer. I understand different aspects of modern frontend development well and work best in the interface between frontend and backend that you might characterize as the backend of the frontend.


To train up staff, I have run several workshops throughout the years in my specialized topics. I have focused mainly on webpack and React although I have given workshops on topics like Deno and Qwik too. These days I prefer a hands-on approach and like to run my workshops through predesigned katas that allow attendees at different levels understand the topic and dive straight into the topic. I can also provide a short lecture on the topic in the beginning if needed.

Conference organizing

I have been running conferences since 2017 (React Finland, GraphQL Finland, Future Frontend) and have gained a strong understanding on how the business works. I have run both physical and online events and have operated mainly as a conference director focused on the big picture (concept, speakers, marketing). In case you have questions related how to build up your own concept, I might some kind of answers to this.


Since 2022, I have been working as a doctoral researcher for Aalto University. Through my research, I have learned how the world of scientific publishing works. I have not done any commercial research cases but I have not ruled out the option in case a suitable case becomes available. I have done mainly surveys and empirical research so I understand both qualitative and quantitative ends of the spectrum. See my research outputs if you are interested in the academic side.

Cleaning up

Let's face it, not all development is clean and sometimes you have to go fast and make a mess. That is the situation when you might need someone like me to address your technical debt in a fast and effective manner. I can support your clean-up efforts on different levels by for example doing a superficial review to provide clear points for improvements or dig down into details and for example migrate your webpack configuration to the latest standard or a more effective tool.


These days I tend to work a lot with university students as they learn academic writing. In case you are looking for a personal coach, you could hire me to spend a focused hour or two per week around development and JavaScript related topics in your mind to grow as a professional. I am happy to provide my expertise to you in the form of coaching.


I have worked with numerous companies during my career as a consultant. To mention some, consider the following list: AlphaSense, eBay, Kitchen Reklamebyrå, Kleiner Perkins, Typeform, Wix, Xeneta.

Consulting examples

I negotiate each consulting case to fit the needs of the client. For example, with Kapsch I helped the company to facilitate refactoring of an internal tool including two days of on-site training. With eBay, I helped the company with internal training and development work. For Typeform, I did a full week on-site with training on relevant topics as needed. These are only a few cases out of many and the offering is always customized to suit the needs of the client.


I have listed several of my testimonials below. In some cases I bring needed additional expertise on board through my broad personal networks to complement my own knowledge.

  • Kapsch - “Great and helpful workshops with @bebraw @filipematossilv and @wSokra Thank you, guys. Great work!” Source.

  • Namics - “This will bring our Webpack builds to the next level: great workshop with deep knowledge from @bebraw and @wsokra. Thank you guys!”

  • Quantifio - “I learned and understood more of webpack in a two-hour masterclass than all previous training combined. Juho has the skills and repertoire to improvise content and fine tune relevancy - he connected the dots on specific topics in an Electron environment and had the answers you wont find online.”

How to hire me?

In case you are interested in hiring me or collaborating in some manner, please fill my contact form and I will get back to you. Generally more specialized and intense work tends to be more expensive while lower commitment tends to come with a lower price. I cannot guarantee instant or full-time availability, but the situation can change fast so it is worth sending a query regardless.